TRACK-1: Theoretical and Experimental Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer
Topics for deliberations:
- New theories and experimental methods in single-phase fluid mechanics and heat transfer
- Mathematical methods for close-form solutions in single-phase fluid mechanics and heat transfer
TRACK-2: Petroleum Exploration, Petroleum Refining and Petrochemicals
Topics for deliberations:
- Reservoir modeling; permeability and other upstream modelling issues
- Petroleum processing; bulk properties and group composition for crude and petroleum products
- Micro-kinetic modeling and Ab-initio modeling in refining processes; catalytic processes/scale-up; Monte-carlo simulation of catalytic surfaces
- Modeling of thermal processes and multistage separations in hydrocarbon industries
- All large-scale simulation/optimization issues in petroleum industries
- CFD modeling of the reactors and other equipment in hydrocarbon industries
TRACK-3: Computational Fluid Dynamics & Heat Transfer
Topics for deliberations:
- Combustion and other reactive flows
- Direct numerical simulation
- Heat Transfer with phase changes
- Microgravity applications
- Non-Newtonian fluid-particle mechanics
- Numerical methods
- Large eddy simulation
- Turbulence flow computation
TRACK-4: Thermal Science & Engineering
Topics for deliberations:
- Convective and Radiative Heat Transfer
- Combined heat, power and advanced cycles;
- Heat exchangers(compact and advanced designs)
- Heat pumps and refrigeration plant; heat pipes;
- Heat transfer enhancement
- Energy Processes in Steel & Allied industries
- Energy processes in Coal & Allied industries
- Renewable energies
- Phase change heat transfer in microchannels
- Thermal and hydrodynamic stability
- Thermal stress analysis
TRACK-5: Energy Materials
Topics for deliberations:
- Soft interfaces and thin films
- Nanomaterials, nanocomposites, ceramics, polymers, colloids
- Optics, lasers, sensors, light emitting materials
- Solar cells, biological materials,
- Semiconductors, superconductors, batteries, superconductors
- Magnetic materials, metamaterials
- Piezoelectric materials, water-splitting
TRACK-6: Multiphase Flow
Topics for deliberations:
- Two-phase flow, multiphase flow and complex flow
- Gas-solid-liquid flow and contactors
- Colloidal and suspension
- Cavitation phenomena
- Computational methods
- Experimental methods
- Fluid-structure interaction
- Environmental multiphase flow
- Droplet flow
- Modeling methods
TRACK-7: Nuclear Science and Engineering
Topics for deliberations:
- Design of Nuclear Reactors
- Reactor Safety, Neutron kinetics and reactor control issues
- Computational & Experimental Thermal Hydraulics
- Structural Mechanics
- Nuclear Materials
- Nuclear Physics & Reactor Theory
- Radiation Interaction and Shielding
- Laser Velocimetry and Imaging Techniques
- CFD Model and Benchmarking in Subchannel Systems/Rod Bundle CHF
- Post Accident Rod Bundle Thermal- Hydraulic Behaviors
- CFD Modeling and Validation for Multi-phase Flows in Nuclear Reactor Systems
- Progress of Indian nuclear reactor technologies
- Pressurized Heavy Water Reactor (PHWR) or CANDU-type reactors, Light Water Reactors (PWR and BWR), Liquid Metal or Sodium cooled Fast Reactors.
- Severe Accident Analysis of Spent Fuel Storage Pool
- Hydrogen generation, dispersion and mitigation during severe accidents